Lloyd Grove

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Sumner's Discontent

The chairman of Viacom and CBS may now have to sell chunks of his empire while dealing with a painful family rift.

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World According to ... Curtis Welling

The C.E.O. of the philanthropic organization AmeriCares talks about the financial crisis, the incoming Obama administration, and the Bernie Madoff he knew.

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David Plouffe

The manager of Barack Obama's historic presidential campaign gives a rare behind-the-scenes look back at the election.

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Ray Kelly

New York's top cop talks about managing 52,000 employees, using technology, working for Mayor Bloomberg, and coping with shootings and tragedies.

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Ivanka Trump

The Donald's daughter talks about the family business, the economy, McCain, and the "undisclosed lunch product."

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Tina Brown

The former magazine editor and chronicler of Diana talks about her new website, Barry Diller, and the elusive nature of buzz.

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