Victoria Repa

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
Health Coach

CEO and Founder of BetterMe, a health & wellness platform providing a tailored holistic approach to wellbeing. Since 2017 it has been on a mission to create a healthier world for everyone, regardless of age, sex, physical ability or background.

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Employee Experience & Recruiting

Don't Underestimate The Importance of Employee Wellbeing. Your Business Will Suffer The Most.

These insights explore the tangible benefits of integrating wellness tools into leadership development programs for business success.


This Ukrainian CEO Reveals What it Takes to Sustain a High-Performing Hybrid Team (Even During a War).

These lessons from a successful Ukrainian company amidst the war can help everyone guide their team — even through a crisis


How One Ukrainian CEO Uses Emotion as a Catalyst for Action

These lessons from a country at war can help everyone on their entrepreneurial journey.

Health & Wellness

The Future of Preventative Health and Mindfulness Technology

What every entrepreneur needs to know when starting a business in 2022's Health and Wellness industry.


El futuro de la salud preventiva y la tecnología de atención plena

Lo que todo emprendedor necesita saber al iniciar un negocio en la industria de Salud y Bienestar de 2022.

Health & Wellness

6 Reasons Your Company Needs a Fitness Program

How do you keep the team spirit high while trying to manage stress levels and prevent a big dip in productivity? Corporate fitness.

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