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3 Marketing Tips to Regain Your Momentum The pandemic has changed the way we shop, work and engage with brands. Don't let your business get left behind.

By Hernan Tagliani

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

While some ndustries have benefited from being nimble amid the pandemic, others are still struggling to generate sales. In the corporate world, it has been particularly difficult to forecast upward trends, so how can businesses create momentum moving forward as markets start opening up again?

The answer starts by asking yourself: Do you want to be a follower or a leader in your industry? Do you want to play it safe and let opportunities slip by or do you want to be remembered as a visionary and lead a company that turns challenges into successful opportunities? As the author Napoleon Hill said in his book, Think and Grow Rich, "Every adversity has the seed of equivalent benefit."

Related: 3 Ways Your Small Business Can Pivot Toward Focusing More on Hispanic Consumers

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