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The Business Owner's Flight Plan Author Greg Rosner interrupts his trip to Hong Kong to share insight on the stages of an average business trip.

By Jason Daley

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

1. Planning the trip
Delegate: "Prior to leaving the office, nominate a person who you trust and can pass the ball to if tasks come up that you can't deal with remotely."

Choose wisely: "Pick one air carrier and one family of hotels and stick with them; the more you travel, the better they treat you. Always book the cheapest rate, then beg for upgrades."

Domestic airlines had an on-time arrival rate of 78.4 percent in March. The airline with the highest on-time arrival rate? Hawaiian Airlines, with 91.5 percent. (Source: Bureau of Transportation Statistics)
2. In the air
Go-go gadgets: "Gadgets are a must for flights. You need a power adapter for your seat, noise-canceling headphones and a prescription for Ambien."

3. In the field
You aren't in Kansas: "Table the expectation that this is going to be a vacation. The reality is you'll often be hunkered down in conference rooms and offices, and that's it."

Eye on the prize: "Be goal-oriented on your trip, and continually assess whether you've achieved your purpose. Keep track of all the new tasks that emerge from meetings, and think about how to delegate them on your return."

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