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Why Bigger Isn't Better for Logo Design Designing logos can be tricky. Designing logos for mobile apps can be downright confounding.

By Matt Villano

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.


As Americans, we're conditioned to assume that bigger is always better. Bold, bombastic, intrinsic value--bigger stuff packs more punch!

But in the world of logo design--particularly among those who create logos for mobile apps--big is the enemy. Instead, the goal is to convey the power and reliability of your brand in an image the size of a piece of Chex cereal.

The marketing team at HitFix, a Los Angeles-based entertainment news company, learned this last year when they set out to create a logo for the Android version of an iPhone app they had published in 2009. Business development manager Dave Huff says the goal was to upgrade the iPhone app's logo into something sharper--familiar enough to register with veteran users but eye-catching enough to dazzle newbies as well.

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