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The Socially Responsible Entrepreneur Doesn't funneling all your cash into business growth get a little old after a while?

By Geoff Williams

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

Craig Hall expects a lot from his fellow entrepreneurs. His 285-page book, The Responsible Entrepreneur, is basically a blueprint on being, well, responsible. Think being an entrepreneur is just about making money? Wrong, according to Hall, whose Dallas-based company, Hall Financial Group, donates 5 percent of its income to charity. So in case anybody out there is feeling a bit unfulfilled or empty, and wondering whether they could be doing more, listen to what Hall has to say:

OK, this isn't the best way to put this, but why be responsible? In other words: What's in it for me?

Craig Hall: Being responsible is all about building relationships, community and trust. You're showing your integrity and your ethics. And that's going to bring you, in the long run, more customers. But in my heart of hearts, I know the intangibles are what make being responsible so worthwhile. You end up meeting new and interesting people, and you may find different ideas, products or services. In my experience, good things happen to good companies. Better employees and more customers gravitate toward you, and you establish loyalty.

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