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Here's How to Interview Employees, and Find the Perfect Fit Stop focusing on a potential employee's resume and achievements.

By Adam Bornstein

This story appears in the May 2017 issue of Entrepreneur. Subscribe »

Ivan Canu

Editor's note: Have a question about running your business? Email, and our columnist, Pen Name Consulting founder and New York Times best-selling author Adam Bornstein, may answer it in an upcoming issue of Entrepreneur magazine.

Q: I run a small business and need to hire in order for us to grow. What's the best approach for bringing on the right people? -- Shane, Toronto

A: Shane, the strength of your team is the strength of your business. But the opposite is also true -- hiring the wrong people can pull down your operation and cost you money. When I was in the corporate world, I tried to buy an all-star team. I focused mostly on résumés and achievements. It didn't work out too well. Later, when I started my own business, I couldn't afford to buy that kind of team. That forced me to focus on the bigger, tougher question: What actually makes a good employee?

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