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This Site Wants to Help You Make Startup Friends While You Travel Startuptravels aims to help entrepreneurs meet with other entrepreneurs in the cities they visit.

By Damon Brown

This story appears in the March 2015 issue of Start Up.


Say you're visiting a new city to meet a client or scout out a business location. In the past, you might have spent hours searching your network, trying to find someone to show you the lay of the land. But with the free service Startuptravels, the work is done for you with a few clicks.

That was the impetus for Anders Hasselstrøm's project. The Copenhagen-based tech entrepreneur often traveled to Scotland on business. Last summer he seized on the idea that there was potential to up the value of those visits.

"I was traveling back and forth twice a month, and I realized I should connect with entrepreneurs while I was spending so much time there," he says. Unfortunately, Hasselstrøm couldn't find a simple, online way to do that. "I reached out to other entrepreneurs I knew and found they were having the same issue."

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