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How to Use Social Media to Improve Presentations Digital and social media tricks to incorporate the next time you pitch your concept or company to a crowd.

By Chris Brogan

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

I give a lot of speeches. My audiences have changed over the years, from the "We're more cutting edge than you but you seem to have ideas" crowds to the "Who is this guy, and why is he on our stage?" sets. The beauty is that the latter groups usually seem to get a lot more out of what I'm sharing than the cool kids do. The hard part is that I really have to do my homework to knock it out of the park.

Here's how I do what I can to wow them before, during and after presentations.

I use the social web to research people and organizations attending my event. Online resources make it easier than ever to gain insight into who will be in your audience and what they're all about.

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