Tom Medema: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CEO of Bubbles

Tom is the Founder of Bubbles, one of the fastest-growing remote work tools in tech— with a quarter of a million users. As a former CTO, he scaled his last company's remote engineering team from 1 to 150 in under two years. Those growing pains led to Bubbles, an async video collaboration platform.

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Latest: Page 2


3 Ways To Ensure Collaboration Between Employees on Different Continents

Technology has made collaboration across space relatively seamless, but time is the most significant barrier most face in reaping the benefits of a global workforce. Overcoming time barriers with remote teams is only possible through asynchronous collaboration. Here's how to do it.


The New Approach to Work Requires a New Approach to Trust

How to maintain high levels of trust in a remote, hybrid, or asynchronous workplace