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15 Minutes Exercise Schedule for Working Women When you have tried every other option, managed your time and still can't make time to visit the gym or join a class, below tips will surely help you find your healthier self

By Anshul Dhamande

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Work-life balance sounds very ideal in theory but actually managing it in real life becomes challenging! A woman plays many roles simultaneously, a homemaker, daughter, wife, mother, a professional working 9 to 5, but her day begins early and her nights end late. Between all of this, they often forget to prioritize health. The hectic schedule coupled with social events, irregular eating habits, sedentary lifestyle all results in health down a spiral.

So How to Find a Balance?

How to find time to fit in those workouts if your commute to work and back home takes a lot of time or if you have too many responsibilities at home and you cannot move out of the house again to go to the gym? That is when home workouts and few changes in lifestyle can make a huge difference. When you have tried every other option, managed your time to the T and still can't make time to visit the gym or join a class, below tips will surely help you find your healthier self.

Do you need to build a whole gym at your place? No.
Will it be very expensive? No.
Will it take a lot of time? Not at all!

Starting with the Basics –

How did you learn to walk? First, you crawled, then learnt to balance on your feet and eventually you took your first wobbly step!
Same thing with exercise. First, you have to assess your strength, capacity and stamina. Initially, begin by including simple bodyweight exercises. For example, you could start with a routine that includes exercises such as Knee assisted push-ups to build upper body strength, Bodyweight Squats & Lunges for your lower body, Planks and Crunches for the core to name a few. These exercises will help you form a solid base just like the foundation of a building.

Getting Stronger -
As you fit in above routine in your schedule, you will keep getting better at it (well practice makes us perfect!) It becomes important that you progress and strive to be better and stronger. We can't expect different results if we keep doing the same thing again and again, can we?
A few sets of adjustable dumbbells and resistance band goes a long way. Not only are they affordable and easily available, but they also don't take up much space either. With added resistance, not only it can assist in losing fat, build muscles and make you look good but it will also make you stronger, taking off pressure from joints during strenuous activities such as walking and running etc.


Hight intensity interval training is especially advantageous for people with limited time. These short burst sessions include performing exercises with very limited rest period resulting in torching lot of energy and taking a toll on you in just 30 minutes! An example routine is shown below.

Exercise to be performed one after the other without rest –

  1. 45 seconds Butt Kicks

  2. 15 Burpees

  3. 30 seconds Mountain Climber

  4. 40 seconds Plank Hold

and rest

Increasing Activity Level Throughout the Day –

Majority of us have a very sedentary lifestyle. Contrary to what many believe, we barely burn 400-500 kcal in an exercise session. Our body utilizes much more by non-exercise activities such as moving, talking, walking etc.
It's very essential and easy to induce this even more. Habits such as taking stairs instead of the lift, walking around after your meals, tracking and improving your step count throughout the day will further help you reach your healthier self.

These all are easy and effective options; the only difficult step is getting started and even more, the difficult task is to stay consistent with it. But you, the one playing so many roles, you are also a role model to everyone in the house. You have to set a tone for everyone.
All you have to do is invest 30 minutes of your 24 hours for the betterment of your health and the others will observe and follow!

Anshul Dhamande

Nutrition and Wellness Consultant, FITTR

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