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5 Fail Proof Ways to Become Irreplaceable There's no traffic on the extra mile.

By Peter Voogd Edited by Dan Bova

Opinions expressed by Entrepreneur contributors are their own.

There are those who succeed, and there are those who become irreplaceable. We can all think of people in our companies or industries who are extremely valuable and tough to replace. If you want to dominate in this fast paced economy, you must stand out and take control of your future. If you don't, you'll quickly become obsolete.

Everything has changed. The A and B students are working for the companies the C and D students own. The current trend of entrepreneurship is higher than ever. Our youth would rather start their own business than work for mediocre companies. Seth Godin talks about the term "Linchpin' which Google describes as "a person or thing vital to an enterprise or organization." I call it "Being Irreplaceable."

Related: Are You Irreplaceable?

A lot of sub-par companies are trying to attract top-tier talent and falling short. The opposite is also true. A lot of sub-par people are trying to get into top-notch companies and failing. When you become irreplaceable, you stand out amongst the majority and can pick and choose the opportunities you take on.

Here are five big ideas that will help you Become Irreplaceable starting... NOW.

1. Do the un-required work.

Kevin Eastman, LA Clippers' assistant coach, shared some exceptional wisdom with me. When asked what separated the good players from the superstars he shared, "They do the work that's un-required."

These days, people want praise and recognition for doing what's required of them that everybody else does. Everybody wakes up early, everybody works extra hours and everybody has passion. What can you do that others aren't willing to do?

It's often said, you work 9-to-5 for survival, everything after is the real investment in your future.

2. Get rid of toxic people.

This will make an immediate difference in your personal energy, peace of mind and motivation level. So many people hang on to those who complain, bitch, moan, play victim, and continue settling for less than they are capable of. The people you surround yourself with should believe in you, encourage you and raise your standards.

Grant Cardone reminded me recently that, "If you still have all the same friends you had in high school, you probably haven't grown very much." Ouch.

Reevaluate the five people you're around the most. Limit time with or get rid of those who don't 100 percent support your vision. Life is too short for negativity. You'll never develop a positive life with a negative circle of influence.

3. Put people first but take care of you.

Keep your focus on your team, your customers, your clients and your family but the best thing you can do for them is become the best version of yourself.

How do you motivate others? The reality is you can't want success for somebody more than they want it for themselves. The best way to inspire others is to live your best life. If those around you are serious they will ask for your help.

Do something daily to increase your skills, expertise and influence. Don't forget that you're the most important person in your life. If you're not living an amazing lifestyle, living inspired or operating at your peak, how can you expect to help others?

Related: The Myth of Working Hard vs. Working Smart

4. Differentiate yourself.

You will never become irreplaceable doing what everyone else does. If you want to be successful, look at what everybody else is doing and do the exact opposite.

Instead of comparing yourself to others, differentiate. When you take more action and think bigger than those around you, you start becoming more valuable. You must give up something and sacrifice to get to the next level. Figure out what makes you different from your competitors.

5. Be about that action.

Hard work trumps IQ, and focus is more important than intelligence. Action is the foundation of real achievement.

You won't find linchpins talking much, they are too busy taking action and getting results. It's not just about action, but intelligent action consistently. It's not about working harder or smarter; it's about working "right'. Henry Ford said, "You can't build a reputation on what you're going to do."

Learning is easy, but implementation of what you learn is hard. That's why you'll find a lot people learning but a small percentage actually implementing. Instead of just playing the game of entrepreneurship and business, change it.

Our economy is in desperate need of linchpins, so take it upon you to become irreplaceable. It's how you're living daily that either makes you unstoppable or stressed out. There has never been a better time in human history to create, design and live the lifestyle you dream of. If you don't take action now, when will you?

Related: If You Want a Better Outcome, Take Better Actions

Peter Voogd

Leading Authority for Young Entrepreneurs

Peter Voogd is the author of the best selling book 6 Months to 6 Figures, as well as the founder of The Game Changers Academy. He's a leading authority on Gen y leadership who has trainedand inspired well over 4,500 entrepreneurs with his true story of going from dead broke to a six figure income within six months. His podcasts, videos, websites and social media reaches more than 200,000 people monthly.

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