
Business News

CPI Report: Inflation Fell Slightly, But Rising Home and Gas Prices Are Keeping It Steady

Food prices stayed the same between March and April.

Business News

CPI Report: Inflation Rose More Than Expected in March, Driven By Housing and Energy Costs

The average U.S. household is paying $227 more per month for goods compared to one year ago.

News and Trends

RBI's Inflation Mandate Failure Report Cannot Be Made Public: Government

As per reports, an out-of-turn meeting of the monetary policy committee (MPC) of the RBI was held in early November to bat around the report to be sent to the central government for failing to maintain the inflation mandate

Business News

It's Time To Embrace Another 25% Decline In The S&P 500

The S&P 500 is headed for another 25% decline due to mounting inflation and aggressive FOMC policies that are tamping down housing demand.

Business News

Housing, Lodging Costs Rose More in August Than Any Single Month Since 1991

The consumer price index's "shelter" figure rose a historic 0.7% in August 2022.