Cheri Beranek: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CEO of Clearfield

Cheri Beranek is the CEO of Clearfield and a 2023 EY National Entrepreneur of the Year award winner. Under her leadership, Clearfield has grown from a concept to a market cap of more than $500 million, providing optical-fiber management and connectivity solutions across North America.

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How to Manage the New Expectations of the Younger Workforce

A cookie-cutter approach won't work — here's what will.


Tener un pasatiempo puede mejorar tu salud mental y el ambiente en el lugar de trabajo

Los pasatiempos pueden mejorar el estado de ánimo, la satisfacción laboral y el resultado final de una empresa: debemos cultivarlos en nosotros mismos y en los demás.

Health & Wellness

Why Cultivating Hobbies Can Improve Mental Health and the Workplace

Hobbies can improve mood, job satisfaction and a company's bottom line: We should nurture them in ourselves and others.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Solidarity Without Sameness: The Key To Working Together

To make the most of diverse teams, leaders need to foster solidarity and a culture of community and belonging. But, it also comes down to individual employees to play their part in acknowledging and respecting differences.


To Recruit and Retain a Strong Team, Live the Culture You Talk About

Prioritize building and maintaining a genuinely inclusive company culture — or face the churn.


How to Break Down Silos in Your Company by Building Lanes

Silos don't just slow down business processes; they can harm a company's overall health.

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