Max Azarov: Page 2

Entrepreneur Leadership Network® Contributor
CEO & Co-founder of Novakid

Max Azarov is the co-founder and CEO of Novakid, an online AI-platform that provides personalized English learning for kids ages 4-12 through gamification. He is a serial entrepreneur with successful cloud-related ventures. He's held positions at LG Electronics, Google, Cyber Vision and Digital 5.

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Growing a Business

How to Grow Your Business by 500%

There may not be a "one size fits all" formula for success, but these proven-by-experience strategies will help you achieve dramatic and consistent growth.


Cómo maximizar el potencial de su próximo gran pivote empresarial

Los fundadores que han fracasado anteriormente tienen más posibilidades de éxito que los emprendedores primerizos, así que no tema apostar con todo en una nueva empresa.

Thought Leaders

How to Maximize the Potential of Your Next Great Entrepreneurial Pivot

Founders who have previously failed have a higher chance of success than first-time entrepreneurs, so don't be afraid to go all-in on a new venture.

Estrategias de crecimiento

Por qué priorizar el crecimiento matará sus posibilidades de éxito

Es un error común combinar el crecimiento con la longevidad.

Growing a Business

Why Prioritizing Growth Will Kill Your Chances of Success

It's a common mistake to conflate growth with longevity.

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Struggling to Come Up With an Idea That Will Outshine Your Competition's? Use These 5 Simple Strategies.

Many entrepreneurs have found themselves in a rut, believing the most innovative thinkers have already cornered the market. But there's always a way to shake things up.

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