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Business News

3 Tech Stocks Under $20 to Buy Right Now

The tech industry's outlook appears promising as a result of businesses' accelerated adoption of AI, cloud services, and rapid digitization across sectors. Given the promising prospects of the industry, quality...

Business News

2 Fast Food Stocks That Will Do Best in a Recession

The fast-food industry is growing amid robust demand, and the growing popularity of online food delivery is expected to drive further growth. As fast-food stocks prove great defensive options amid...

Business News

3 Entertainment Stocks You'll Want to Avoid or Sell Short

The entertainment business might remain under pressure amid the macroeconomic challenges. With rising fears of a hard landing, fundamentally weak stocks AMC Entertainment Holdings (AMC), Cinemark Holdings (CNK), and National...

Business News

2 Smart Dividend Stocks to Buy Now for Steady Gains

With the stock market expected to remain volatile due to persistent concerns about high inflation, interest rate hikes, and a recession, fundamentally strong dividend stocks Gilead Sciences (GILD) and Altria...

Business News

3 Best Stocks to Buy and Hold for a Lifetime

With inflation still alarmingly high, the Fed is poised to raise interest rates further. This is predicted to keep the stock market volatile. Amid this, investors should focus on their...

Business News

2 Tech Stocks to Buy Without Hesitation and 1 to Sell

Despite macroeconomic challenges, the technology industry is set for solid growth in the long term, driven by robust demand for advanced technologies and increasing IT spending. While investing in tech...

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