Taylor Sohns MBA, CIMA®, CFP®: Page 2

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Business News

Tax-efficient investing for high earners

High-income earners often find themselves in a conundrum when it comes to investing. While safe and reliable, traditional investment options like money market CDs, high-yield savings accounts, or short-term treasuries...

Business News

Meta’s earnings stir investor sentiment

Meta, the parent company of Facebook and Instagram, recently reported its earnings, causing a significant stir in the investment community. Despite beating earnings and revenue expectations, with a 27% increase...

Business News

Exploring the growing homeownership-renting gap

The housing market, a significant indicator of economic health, has been undergoing a dramatic shift, particularly concerning millennials and Generation Z. Over the past three years, the cost of both...

Business News

Apple’s stock: a potential meltdown

Apple Inc., the world’s second-largest company, is teetering on the edge of a financial precipice. The company’s stock, long considered a bellwether in the market, is flashing warning signs of...

Business News

Geopolitical conflicts impact on global economy

The world of geopolitics is a complex and intricate web where every action can trigger a ripple effect that reverberates globally. This past weekend, we saw this principle in action...

Business News

Decoding inflation’s impact on markets

The financial market is a complex system influenced by a myriad of factors. One of the most significant factors that impact the market is inflation. Recently, the market has been...