Artist's Workspace Rentals

Startup Costs:
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

Renting a large warehouse space and dividing the space into smaller sections to rent to artists as work studios is a great way to start your own business and be self-employed. The work studios can be rented on a daily, weekly or monthly basis, providing they're used for work areas only and not residential units. The business doesn't require a great deal of investment capital to get rolling, and the monthly profits can be terrific. That is, if you assume a 3,000-square-foot warehouse was rented for $2,000 per month, and the same warehouse could be divided into 15 smaller 200-square-foot artists' workspaces and rented for $300 per month each. This simple scenario could create a gross monthly income of $4,500 each month before expenses. The main requirement prior to starting this venture is to check local zoning and fire regulations to make sure the venture is legal in your local area.

Artist's Workspace Rentals Ideas

Photo Mugs and Plates

Preserve memories with photo mugs and plates while you take your photography skills to the next level.

Custom Picture Frames

Capture golden moments making custom picture frames.

Bookbinding and Repairs

Don't be bound to just one job--try bookbinding and repairs for another source of income.

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