Framing Service

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

What must you have and know in order to sell framing and matting services? Framing and matting experience is helpful, but with a little bit of practice and trial and error, framing and matting can be mastered by just about everyone. Tools and equipment are also necessities. If you are purchasing standard-size frames from wholesalers, only basic tools will be needed. If you plan on building custom frames, you will need a power miter saw, glass cutters, clamps and other hand tools, along with suitable workshop and storage space. You can set up your workshop at home, or rent appropriate space. Set up at home and work part-time to keep overhead low until the business is self-supporting; then you can move to a larger space if required.

The Market

In addition to customers looking to have only one or two photographs or paintings framed, you can also market your services to higher-volume customers, including photographers, artists, retailers of prints and posters, schools (for framing diplomas and awards) and interior designers.

Framing Service Ideas

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