Online Tutors

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Harness the power of the Internet to take educational tutors from around the globe online via your own specially designed 'tutor directory' Web site. You can create a Web site that exclusively specializes in helping people find qualified educational tutors in their community. The site will have to be indexed by tutor type and geographic location for internal search purposes. However, this is a relatively easy programming challenge to overcome. Once again, these sections could include math tutors, science tutors, English, English as a second language tutors, and more. Visitors to the site who are seeking a tutor to help them or their children with their studies would simply select the category of interest and view the listing to find an appropriate candidate. In exchange for an annual listing fee, tutors would receive a headline listing that is linked to a pop-up page. The pop-up page could give full details and information about their tutoring programs, qualifications, and contact information.

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