
Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

A wholesaler is the link between a manufacturer or producer of a product or service and the retailer or reseller of the product or service. There are many different types of products and services that can be sold on a wholesale basis including food items, computers and software, telecommunications services, and even public utilities. Starting a wholesale business is somewhat more difficult than starting a traditional retailing business. Not only do you have to source companies to buy products and services from, you also have to source companies to sell the same products and services to. As competitive as the wholesaling business currently is, the future does look bright, especially when you consider homebased and cyberbased business start-ups are increasing at a record pace. Many of these new business enterprises lack the space required to get their products to market, which means they need the services of a wholesaler with distribution channels, warehousing space, and transportation capabilities.

Wholesaler Ideas

Janitorial Supplies

You can clean up by selling janitorial supplies.

Fabric Shop

Add some texture to your business side with a shop that's made of good material.

Framed Movie Posters

Picture this: A business surrounding movies.

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