
Business News

How to View Microsoft Calendar and Google Calendar in the Same Place

Keeping track of appointments across multiple platforms can be a nightmare. Between work schedules, social engagements, and personal commitments, keeping track of everything can be nearly impossible. The struggle is...

Business News

Carpe Diem: 4 Strategies to Seize the Day With Your Calendar

The traditional saying “seize the day” has origins that date back more than 2,000 years. It’s one of the oldest philosophical mottos that many people still live by today. The...

Business News

Honoring Heroes: The Ultimate Memorial Day Checklist

Memorial Day, observed on the last Monday in May, is much more than a simple day off from work or school. Instead, it is a day of remembrance for those...

Business News

How to Nurture Relationships Through Your Social Calendar

It’s odd how easily your most important relationships can slip away in a supposedly more connected world. It’s undeniable that advancements in technology, such as the internet and social media,...

Business News

How to Prioritize Wellness With Your Calendar

Most people realize that health is their biggest asset, but often, after some damage has been done. Many talk about wellness benefits, yet few are willing to invest time and...

Business News

Stepping Out of Your Comfort Zone: 7 Tips for Exploring Social Opportunities

Thanks to budding technologies, the world is more connected than ever. A device with the power of a computer and global reach is literally in most people’s pockets. With a...

Business News

Creating a Not-To-Do-List: 10 Powerful Ways You Can Achieve More By Doing Less

Feeling stressed, rushed, and overburdened with responsibilities and not enough time to complete everything? Well, you might not be the only one who feels like this, and we can blame...

Business News

7 Ways to Organize Your Home With Your Calendar

A calendar is a must-have tool to keep your household functioning efficiently. It helps everyone in your household organize their schedules and ensures that important tasks don’t fall by the...

Business News

National Volunteer Week: Be the Hero Your Community Needs (Without the Cape!)

Every year, National Volunteer Week takes place during the third week of April. The purpose is to recognize the incredible people who improve our communities. Although thanking volunteers is an...

Business News

Organize Your Way to a Smooth Tax Filing Experience

Tax season. No matter how financially responsible an individual is, the mere mention of it can send shivers down their spine. After all, there’s nothing more stressful than meeting deadlines,...

Business News

How to Harness the Full Potential of Your Calendar

If you’re like everyone else in the world, you likely feel like you don’t have enough time each day. “Maximize your time with minimal effort.” Sounds too good to be...

Business News

Conquering the Chaos: How to Conduct an Effective Calendar Audit

Is your calendar a chaotic to-do list rather than an organized schedule? You’re not alone if that’s the case. It is common for people to find that their calendars are...

Business News

Bending But Not Breaking: The Power of Intentional Inflexibility in a Flexible World

There’s no denying that flexibility in the workplace is all the rage these days. A Deloitte survey found that 94 percent of respondents believed flexible work would benefit them. Why?...

Business News

The Best Calendar Apps for College Students in 2024

The college experience is a whirlwind of deadlines, exams, and social commitments. And, hopefully, you’re able to somehow squeeze in enough sleep as well. To put it simply, it can...

Business News

Breathe Easy: Celebrating National Care About Your Indoor Air Month

Did you know that February is National Care About Your Indoor Air Month? If not, it’s just a timely reminder that the air we breathe in our homes can significantly...