

The No. 1 Skill Employers Want Job Applicants to Have Might Be the Hardest to Find, New Research Reveals

Communication and problem-solving are important — but something else could be more critical than both.


Entry-Level Job Candidates Should Be Ready to Answer This Make-or-Break Question While Interviewing at Top Companies Like JPMorgan Chase, Talent Expert Says

A college degree might not be the strict requirement it once was — but successful applicants must be prepared to showcase another aspect of their resume.

Resumes & Interviewing

6 Traits to Look For in Your Next Boss

These are the characteristics you need to look for to find a manager who understands they're in service to their teams — not the other way around.

Employee Experience & Recruiting

Practice Interviewing, Optimize Your LinkedIn, and More with This $80 AI Suite

Tools for practicing interviewing, training, recruitment, and so much more.


Former Interrogator Shares 5 Behaviors Liars Exhibit and How to Handle Them

Five deceptive behaviors to look for and how to respond to those behaviors when you encounter them.

Resumes & Interviewing

Employee Search: Interview Techniques to Hire the Best

By incorporating these interview techniques, entrepreneurs can identify and hire the best talent, setting their businesses up for long-term success.


The One Interviewing Technique Guaranteed to Get You the Truth

Here's what you need to know to avoid letting others fool you.

Business News

What Is the 'Coffee Cup Test'? Watch Out For This Tricky Interview Trend.

Some people find this recent hiring trend impractical, while others think it's a sign of character. Either way, here's what you should know about it.


How to Dress for an Interview: Do's and Don'ts to Impress

Master the do's and don'ts of dressing for an interview. Impress your potential employer and create a lasting first impression with the right interview attire.

Thought Leaders

5 Media Strategies Every Entrepreneur Needs to Know

Share your brand's message more effectively by preparing with these strategies ahead of time.

Thought Leaders

Landed Your Dream Job? Here's How to Master the Art of Job Offer Negotiations

Congratulations! You landed the job after a grueling interview process. Typically, a new job is a cause for celebration. But, it can also be stressful considering salary, benefits and more.

Resumes & Interviewing

How to Respond to Strengths and Weaknesses Questions During a Job Interview

Learn what interviewers look for when they ask about your strengths and weaknesses.


Don't Let These 11 Job Interview Myths Stop You From Getting Hired

The interview process is constantly changing — adapting to current employee-employer trends. Here's our latest list of what you should keep in mind the next time you are interviewed (or interviewing).