Taylor Sohns MBA, CIMA®, CFP®

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Business News

Understanding Nvidia’s influence on stock market

The stock market is dynamic and ever-changing, with various companies playing pivotal roles in its fluctuations. One such company that has been making waves recently is NVIDIA, a multinational technology...

Business News

Debunking market timing: a comprehensive guide

The world of investment is a complex labyrinth filled with myriad opportunities and pitfalls. One of the most common misconceptions is the belief in the ability to time the market...

Business News

Exploring bonds as lucrative investments

The investment landscape is a dynamic and ever-changing field, with various asset classes vying for the title of the most lucrative investment. For a long time, the adage “cash is...

Business News

GameStop’s resurgence: A social media saga

GameStop, the renowned American video game, consumer electronics, and gaming merchandise retailer, is once again stealing the limelight, causing quite a stir in the financial world. The company, often likened...

Business News

Decoding inflation’s impact on stock market

Inflation, defined as the general increase in prices and the subsequent fall in the purchasing value of money, is currently the primary driver of the stock market. This article aims...

Business News

Understanding the impending social security crisis

The alarm bells are ringing, and it’s time for American workers to pay attention. As a certified financial planner, I’m here to share a critical warning that comes directly from...

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