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Business News

Amazon, Facebook and Other Tech Stocks May Be a 'Disaster Waiting to Happen,' Investor Bill Smead Says

Tech investors could face brutal losses if regulators dismantle the companies and tax them more effectively, Smead said.

Business News

Warren Buffett Turned Down the Chance to Buy Whole Foods in 2017, CEO John Mackey Says

Whole Foods CEO and cofounder John Mackey and his team approached Buffett about a buyout, but the billionaire investor and head of Berkshire Hathaway said it wouldn't be a good fit.

Business News

Jeff Bezos Is Now Personally Worth More Than Nike, McDonald's, Costco and Almost 50 Percent of the Dow

Amazon's stock surge has boosted its CEO's net worth to $186 billion, which exceeds the market capitalizations of Nike ($122 billion), McDonald's ($143 billion) and Costco ($145 billion).

Business News

'A Real Step Forward': Stocks Climb After Lawmakers Agree on $2 Trillion Coronavirus Stimulus

Stocks climbed on Wednesday after U.S. lawmakers agreed on a $2 trillion stimulus bill to buttress the economy against the novel coronavirus.

Business News

Warren Buffet's Berkshire Hathaway Loses $3 Billion in Airline Stocks

The billionaire investor's conglomerate counts Delta, Southwest, United, and American among its 25 biggest holdings, and owns more than 8% of all four companies.

Business News

On Valentines Day Warren Buffet Explains Why See's Candy is His 'Dream Business'

The billionaire investor, who bought See's Candy in 1972, says people associate the boxes with romance.

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