Art Prints

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Whether you're the artist or someone else has created the original art, there is big money in art prints. Art prints are relatively inexpensive to have produced and can retail for as much as $1,000 for a popular piece. Once you have chosen the works that will be reproduced, you can begin to sell the art prints. Set up a sales kiosk in a mall on a busy weekend or rent a booth in a high-traffic flea market. You can also market the art prints to business professionals for office decorations or to interior designers for home decorations. I talked to one gentleman who operated an art print shop in an airport location. He told me that he was selling between 75 and 100 prints per week to business travelers who were taking the prints home as gifts. Assuming he only cleared $15 on each print after all expenses and taxes, he would still be earning more than $60,000 annually.

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