Auto Alarm Sales and Installations

Startup Costs: Under $2,000
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? Yes
Online Operation? No

In spite of the fact that many new automobiles now come outfitted with auto alarms as standard equipment, starting an auto alarm installation business is still a good choice for a new business venture, especially if the objective is to build a small one-person business that can provide the owner with a comfortable annual income. Establishing alliances with used car dealers is a fabulous way to activate this type of security business, as the car dealers can offer their car purchasing clients optional installations of car alarms. . .provided by your auto alarm sales and installation service, of course. Overall, this is a good business startup for the technically inclined individual.

Auto Alarm Sales and Installations Ideas

Special Event Security

If you like going to concerts and athletic events and can tap connections such police officers, this venture may be worth looking into.

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Who let the dogs out? You did, with a guard dog business.

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Keep homeowners feeling safe and sound with your expert security advice.

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