Auto Maintenance Course

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Calling all certified mechanics. Put your automobile repair skills to work for you and start a business that teaches students how to do general maintenance on their cars and trucks. The auto maintenance courses could be conducted in association with a community or educational facility, such as a community college, or on an independent basis by leasing a small work and training space. Course instruction can include how to change your oil, change a flat tire, and carry out regular brake and steering checks, as well as any other small automotive related maintenance tasks. Providing you can secure ten paying clients per week for a three-hour auto maintenance class and charge the students $50 each, this great part-time business would generate sales in excess of $2,000 per month.

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