Headhunter Service

Startup Costs: $10,000 - $50,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Unlike an employment agency, a headhunting service does not wait for potential employees or career seekers to send in a résumé for a job listing; a headhunter goes out and actively searches for the ideal candidate. This usually means the first stop is the client's competitors. Securing clients for a headhunting service is very straightforward, simply due to the fact that the clients only pay for the service if and when the ideal person is located and hired. Fees for the service are paid by the client that is seeking to fill an employment position, and are typically 4 to 8 percent of the employment position's annual salary. In addition to competitor companies, potential employees can also be located at business networking meetings, and even some small business owners can be lured back into the corporate world if the offer is lucrative enough.

Headhunter Service Ideas

Site-Sign Installation Service

Help other businesses with advertising opps where they're working.

Personal Assistant

Busy executives and business owners can use your help with everything from answering phones to purchasing gifts.

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Are you a master organizer? Try book indexing.

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