Sewing Classes

Startup Costs: $2,000 - $10,000
Home Based: Can be operated from home.
Part Time: Can be operated part-time.
Franchises Available? No
Online Operation? No

Calling all seamstress and hobby sewers, starting a sewing instruction business is a fantastic opportunity to earn a great part-time income while operating your own homebased business. A sewing instruction business can be set in motion for less than $5,000 and has the potential to easily create an income in the range of $25 to $35 per hour or more. Sewing classes can be marketed directly to students via all traditional means of advertising. You can also initiate a joint venture with a local fabric store to hold the classes evenings and weekends or even as a joint venture with a community or recreation center. Joint ventures are a fantastic way to reduce the overall start-up capital to open a business, as well as capitalize on the partner's existing customer base. Overall, it's a great little business that can generate additional revenue by selling sewing patterns to students, as well as by mail order.

Sewing Classes Ideas

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